Wednesday, July 3, 2024


What a wonderful day! Is this the best summer ever? 

Nana and Papa are growing their own red raspberries!

White country churches. 

Yesterday started with a very-last minute invitation from #1tomatolover. So, as one does, I dropped everything to visit my nephews. (Well, in the morning, I did some work, for which I was grateful.) We played in the pool; we played wiffleball. We ate watermelon and goldfish. And, of course, we hunted for some dino eggs. 

After that, we took a very long drive on backroads (read nauseas boys in the back) to a state park we love. There we jumped right into their nature activity--first we learned about identifying leaves--compound v. simple, each pine needle attached v. a bunch, etc. The director of these programs is so good, which is why I'm willing to drive an hour for them (that and the sublimely beautiful location). She expresses things clearly and slowly and I learn a lot (and so do the kids). Then we did leaf printing. 

I realized there's something that drives me a bit crazy about Q, but maybe it's a strength: If you give Q a job or teach him a game or activity, before he even learns how to do it, he's innovating it. He's suggesting a new set of rules, a different approach. Now, I would prefer he first learn to do it the recommended way and then innovate. But maybe I should appreciate that he is not willing to live in the lines and be grateful for the overflow of creative ideas. 

After the activity, we went for a hike. (First pictures from their garden.)

When we were hiking and no one was complaining at all and we were just all happily hiking together, I realized that we are at the absolute best age together. This is family life in its prime. 

We did some rock skipping. 

And for a treat had chips and Gatorade that Nana sent. Blaze called it Lucozade, which is what that product is called in the UK. That boy keeps me laughing. 

Then we had a quick dip in their gorgeous WPA swimming hole. 

Then we headed home where despite Nana feeding us an amazing meal immediately upon arrival, I was crabby and tired and sleepy. 

But before I fell asleep, I had a beer with the lightening bugs; I'm loving the cool summer evenings. I'm grateful to be summering in the most beautiful place in the world--and the one I love the most. 

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