Today was a full day--Nana is getting nervous that we're leaving soon and trying to squeeze in all her summer hopes. Above: Teaching Blaze about [U.S.] coins.
Below: Today was birthday party-day (when we celebrate both boys' birthdays early with Nana and Papa). There is always pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. The boys also got awards and popped balloons, and we all had cake.
In the afternoon, Papa and I played pickleball--so much fun; I was so tired. Nana took Blaze to the creek.
After chicken and waffles and happy memories of my childhood, we watched more Two Towers and had a birthday bonfire, with hotdogs and smores and some seriously cool sparklers for the boys.
The boys were totally happy when we put them to bed. I love seeing them so delighted.
My anxiety was very high today. It is miserable to feel like this.
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