Monday, August 5, 2024


Pears from Francisco's tree that he picked early to try to save from the squirrels. 

Mass. We finished unpacking the car and sorted the linen closet, and the boys and I unpacked many of their clothes (I need to buy a dresser for Blaze, though--his clothes are currently in desk drawers). Once again, the boys were a big help. Francisco fixed Q's dresser drawer, which somehow gave up the ghost while we were gone (and many other things). 

I invented (with stuff on hand) a ridiculously healthy if not particularly delicious lentil, quinoa, spinach stew for a late lunch (plus green beans and baked potatoes for the boys); cake for dinner. 

Today I have two goals: Get Q's bike and mine into shape and try out the way to his school to see if it's bike-able. And unpack some of my clothes. We will have a busy back-to-school afternoon. The boys are obsessed with playing bakugans. 

This morning: A walk to mass. A perfect morning, though one I can never do during the school year. 

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