Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Guys--you're not going to believe how grumpy I am after a 4 hour and 15 minute meeting about how to be furniture. Actually, if you have even a smidgeon of imagination, maybe you will. I used my extended vocabulary the entire way home and begged Francisco to hang the punching bag. 

I called my mom to complain, because she is always the most sympathetic ear, but Ilana and her two little ones are visiting, and I didn't have the heart to ruin my mom's delightful mood of being smiled at by the baby. 

Francisco and I, like middle aged people who wear matching clothes, had a doctor's appointment together today. It was great fun, according to me. I'm not sure he liked me teasing him every step of the way. 

But that brings up one thing I've been meaning to say. Francisco and I both lost more or less ten pounds last year. Yet no one--NO ONE--has said anything to me. While EVERYONE Francisco meets comments on how good he looks. (I mean people have said to me how good Francisco looks.) I'm up to my neck with it. Even the doctor mentioned Francisco's weight loss. While the doctor only mentions my weight when it goes up. Anyway, our doctor is totally wonderful so I shouldn't really complain. He's pretty great. 

I got a new medicine to try. And I booked an appointment with a new therapist. And--have I told you?--we're both trying neurofeedback. This seems totally wild and hippy dippy with the "doctor" talking about alpha and beta waves. Seems just made-up. But the only drawback is the cost of the headband. The rest of the time I'm closing my eyes listening to classical music or opening my eyes and watching Gilmore Girls, so there's really no drawback at all.  

You can tell by my silly rambling that I'm only half awake. Classes haven't started, and I have no idea how I'm going to survive the semester. 


hopkins said...

what do you mean "how to be furniture"

also you look great ;)

Emily Hale said...

I am learning to be a chair.

Thank you! :)