I get way more calls for Q than I get for myself. Is this why people buy phones for their kids?
I had a wonderful lunch with a friend today. It's the first time I've thought that being a lady who lunches doesn't sound all bad.
Blaze biked to school. He's a bit of a loose canon, crashing this way and that and falling off his bike and then turning around from far up ahead to give me a thumbs up. He loves it.
My office is nearly back into my preferred order, which is to say my own dear organized chaos. I made myself a cup of tea in my office this afternoon and all is well.
All is well except for my organizational duties, which are dizzying. I am email-writer-in-chief. *Quiver*
I'm on a new medicine. But they never take medicines away--they just add new ones. This is #3. When does it end? #26?
Perhaps I should just go to a sanatorium? But in a sanatorium I'm sure I would have no mental illness. I mean, you know I would love a sanatorium in a pretty place.
The other day I made homemade pizza with arugula, feta, and corn. It was not as good as I hoped.
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