Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Weekend


Above: Just a little of the overflowing bags of food grown by Stearns and her family that she sent for us via my parents. Also: poblano peppers. Such abundance and generosity!

Yesterday: Mass--only since I've had to go to daily mass occasionally once the priest made the mass not at the time when parents have to take their kids to school have I learned that outside the church is a drop-off, pick-up place. So far I've seen bags of truly ugly apples that taste so good like the dappled apples of my childhood (only less good than our winesap) and piles of purple flags (the flower) to plant.  

In the afternoon, I met with my new therapist and we tried emdr. I was excited to try it--I've been interested in it for a year and a half or so. Oh boy--what have I gotten myself into? We "explored" one moment for about an hour, unfolding all the emotions underneath frustration and anger and rage. And going and going and not stopping. I definitely wanted to stop. I don't think this therapist has any idea how much I hate emotions and how awful they make me feel. 

Oh, I did feel like I was a slight success when I made my remarkably unemotional therapist laugh--I was talking about the difficulty I have raising children and said, "I have a note on my phone that says, 'The only thing that matters is love,' but really, fruits and vegetables matter, too." 

After that, I ran over to a friend of Francisco's, who has the nicest, oldest house in town. It is perfect. A previous holder of my position at the college used to live there, and so this friend of Francisco's served us aperol sprits and cheese and crackers and let me pick out books of the previous owner's that he still keeps on his shelves. It was just ridiculously kind of him. And it will be a delight to own a couple of the previous professor's marked up books. 

And after that, we stopped by the Moon Festival. We had some snacks, learned some myths, and did some painting. And I got to visit a bit with some lovely colleagues and their children. I perfect short activity. 

Today it turns out from the edmr, I guess, that I am totally shot. I've spent most of the day so far crying in bed and the time I've gotten out of bed has not gone well. So this is truly a delightful process that I can look forward to continuing. 

Oh--I forgot to say, now that I am furniture, I am "important" enough to be spoofed. Someone emailed my department pretending to be me. None of them fell for it, but they were all unsure enough to check with me about it, which is so so funny. The spoofer signed the emails, "Professor and Chairperson." I've never used an email signature in my life. Who does my department think I am, really?


hopkins said...

do you use a subject line in your work emails?

hopkins said...

also I want "'The only thing that matters is love,' but really, fruits and vegetables matter, too." as a bumper sticker.

Emily Hale said...

As furniture, yes. Normally, no. The spoofer did not use one.