Friday, June 14, 2024


Pictureless day.

Yesterday I did some serious packing--we have to know whether we can fit everything in the three big suitcases we came over with, while keeping them all under 50 pounds. While still wearing our clothes! I think it should be doable. 

In the evening, after Francisco made burgers for the kids, we gave them video games and headed out to a wine bar for some small plates. Being able to leave our kids for an hour and still be where they can safely come and get us if they need us is incredible. 

We tried three different wines--an orange, a fizz, and a smokey red. They were all strange and interesting. And we shared some food and dessert--all also interesting. (The waitress patiently explained every single thing on the menu because we didn't know what any of it was.)

It was really nice to have some peaceful time together in the midst of the packing chaos.

My anxiety is super high. The other day when we left the house I asked if I had left the gas range on (of course I hadn't). In the middle of last night I checked to see if we'd locked one of the doors (in my defense, it was the one I once left unlocked and someone came in and checked out several of the rooms in the house). My family is so patient to love me through these incredibly anxious, irritable times. 

Oh my goodness, speaking of anxiety--this whole article was a trigger: On Loudcasting. I was hoping I could leave London and never deal with this again. 


This morning we took cupcakes to school for both of the boys' classes and they are so excited. They are leaving cupcakes. Q has decided that rather being excited to leave (all of the year so far), now he is very sad to leave. Kids are something else. Blaze's teachers said they will cry when he leaves. 

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