Tuesday, November 3, 2009

If Wystan and Hopkins Were a Movie

In the early days of this blog, I used to correlate my friends with actors--I would cast the actors who ought to play my friends in a movie. There was my family, Little Gidding, and The Others. I never made it to Wystan, nor Hopkins, and must remedy that immediately.

Wystan would be William Powell, especially as Nick Charles. First of all, William Powell has a mustache. I would very much like to see Wystan in a mustache. Second, he's wry and witty. Third, I've seen lots of movies with him in them: The Thin Man (there's a whole series of thin men, evidently--I want to see them!), Life with Father (which I know is absolutely delightful, but I can always only remember the way the word "baptized" is accented--bap tized'), and How to Marry a Millionaire (which, as previously noted, is delightful). Fourth, he's old, like Wystan (who is soon to get significantly older).

Hopkins would be Emma Thompson. Ever since I watched Sense and Sensibility, and my father said that I was Eleanor (which is a beautiful, beautiful name) and Stearns was Marianne, I have adored Emma Thompson. She seems to me to be sophisticated, stable, and grounded. And these are lots of my same thoughts about Hopkins--ever since she fed me chocolate late at night and listened to me ramble about boys, and then later when she cooked me dinner and showed me Stranger than Fiction (okay, fine, so Thompson isn't stable and grounded in that film...), and we can't forget the time that she watched me ruin halushky for a small dinner party and calmed me down and told me never to apologize for anything you cook (or something along those lines), and then ate the halushky.


Wystan said...

Funny: I saw the picture of William Powell before I even read the post an thought "no, Emily, I will not have a mustache. Ever."

hopkins said...

and the halushky was good.

and if i am ever totally unstable, i want to be totally unstable the way emma thompson is in strange than fiction.

though i'd rather not kill all my characters.